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climate adaption & mitigation

Supporting industrial, processing and service corporations as well as governmental and city administration on their path to resource and energy efficiency, adaption to climate change, reducing the emission footprint (scope 1 to 3) and introducing / expanding voluntary compensation management activities. Get fit for 2050.

basic principle of the methodology

With the sustainability and climate protection programs of the federal and state governments, Germany set a solid path for climate, environmental and resource protection. Managing to get society, industry and administrations on board. This path is now supported by a growing number of corporations and administrations.

An institution / corporation is considered "climate-neutral" if it guarantees significant reduction / savings of an equivalent amount of GHG emissions through implemented operational environmental protection and sustainable management. To do this, the institutions / corporations usually have to meet a wide range of specific requirements, ranging from ESG (ecological, social, governance) metrics, diversity, efficiency and energy models, resource-optimized and "product-by-design" operational processes and the use of secondary raw materials (substitute primary raw materials) in the process of environmental-friendly products (incl. the transportation and distribution). There are corporations which have extent their scope to the re-use, recycle and proper disposal of their products in order to close the loop. Institutions / corporations achieve these objectives through direct investments flanked by fundings and incentives, in energy and production facilities, fleet and building management and resource measures as well as in voluntary compensation projects (voluntary carbon market - VCM).

To be able to disclosure the achievements in the financial and corporate reporting, the measure set and investments must match / be in accordance with the taxonomy and internationally known standards (like Gold Standard GS, Plan Vivo PVC, CDM CER, VCS, CCB, etc.). To fulfill and profit from the voluntary compensation measures, the institutions/corporations have to directly link investments to credible climate protection projects that strengthen sustainable development in developing and emerging countries in a transparent and directly assignable manner. In that case, each certificate corresponds to one tonne of CO2 equivalents in savings or credits.

our services for corporations and administrations

We advise and support corporations and administrations on their way towards resource efficiency and climate neutrality:
  • Know-how transfer, workshops, analysis and scope-assessment "as is" for each,
  • Development of scope trajectories and road maps (2025, 2030, 2050),
  • Measurement and CO2 balance with proof of climate compensation (standards as below),
  • Creation of a CO2 balance according to international standards (Gold Standard GS, Plan Vivo PVC, CDM CER, VCS, CCB),
  • Simulation and scenario-modeling with regard to scope 1, 2 and 3,
  • Projects to third parties & selection criteria to join third party climate protection projects,
  • High-quality compensation certificates: Gold Standard and Plan Vivo,
  • Support in decommissioning of certificates (individual provision of evidence),
  • Online and expert workshops as well as conferences with stakeholders (webinars, conferences, etc),
  • Input and preparation of ESG reports for authorities, financial institutions, bonds,
  • Sustainability and resource protection reports in connection with the sustainability and climate protection strategy of the state and federal government.

 references & projects

Cement plants:

We designed a blue-print and conducted a viability studies for four large cement corporations in needed to substitute their coal by secondary raw materials (locally in South-Eastern Europe and Africa) and each to reduce their total CO2 emissions in a short period of time. Using our methodology, frameworks and expertise, each managed the negotiations with the public entities, stakeholders, suppliers - invested and gained transparency into substitution potentials of coal and into CO2 emission sources. They quickly substituted  10% of their coal and created a roadmap to achieve another 15% in the medium-term and to reduce the emissions significantly.

Chemical industrial plants:

We conducted a feasibility study for a large chemical corporation to substitute their fossil fuels in the energy generation and supply (production) by secondary raw materials (locally in South-Eastern Europe) - to accelerate its resource protection and climate adaption strategy. After the study, the risk assessments as well as the designed roadmap, the corporation decided to invest in renewable energy generation and steam production based on >60% of secondary raw materials.

Energy generation plants:

A state-owned energy generation corporation conducted a pre-feasibility study for the substitution of their primary raw material (coal) by secondary raw materials RDF & SRF (locally in South-Eastern Europe). It decided to accelerate its resource protection and climate adaption strategy. In cooperation with us, it decided to become a strategic partner in the circular economy of the country and substitute coal by RDF & SRF from local waste, which otherwise will be landfilled (generating huge amounts of CO2 and methane). After the pre-study the corporation decided to initiate a comprehensive approach towards modernization, climate neutrality and renewable energy generation.

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